The Ascension Journey: Tools for Transformation, a Joyshop with Maryanne Savino

By Full Spectrum International (other events)

Saturday, March 26 2022 4:30 PM 7:00 PM EDT

Hello Beautiful Being of Light!

Full Spectrum Quantum Wellness & Energy Healing presents:

The Ascension Journey: Tools for Transformation, a Joyshop with Maryanne Savino

Please join us in our 24-Unit BioScalar Energy Enhancement System for this informative and experiential Joyshop with the luminous Ascension Guide and Educator, Maryanne Savino. Maryann will guide you through a sound healing transmission in the Language of Light (the Language of the Soul) that will activate your own unique Light Codes and she will share various practices that will help support you through the ascension journey.

 This Joyshop experience includes:

*Practices that bring you into Divine Alignment with your Multidimensional Nature. 

*Tools that will help you release stuck energy and help to raise and expand your vibration (Body Prayer, Healing your Shadow Meditation, Crystals, Essential oils, and Flower Essences)

*2.5 hours in our powerful BioScalar Energy Enhancement System

*The sacred space to feel restored, inspired, and empowered to step into your Mastery for manifesting your desires.

This is a very exciting time on planet Earth, and we’re so looking forward to joining in conscious community with you!  It is recommended that you come with an intention for our time together, and bring a journal and pen for taking notes.


What is Ascension?

** Ascension is about raising the vibrational frequency on the planet through our Human Soul journey where we are experiencing a massive purification and clearing of denser energies from within, so that we can receive and hold Higher Frequencies of Light. We are stepping bravely into the unknown as we let go of many layers of our ego identity of who we thought we were.  Ascension is a process of ReBirthing and isn’t meant to be forced - it is about living in the moment with no agendas as all is unfolding in Divine timing. On a planetary level, Earth is going through a dismantling and collapsing of the old paradigm that no longer supports who we are and where we are headed. The word Ascension can be misleading as we aren’t going up and outside of ourselves, and also because this isn’t a linear path, but a spiraling journey for the Soul to go inward and down in order to rise up and expand into a new and higher level of consciousness. It is a Spiritual homecoming to embody your Divinity and be guided by the wisdom of your Heart.

** The BioScalar Energy Enhancement System generates multiple bio-active life-enhancing energy fields, including scalar waves. Our 24 field-generating units are precisely aligned to create a quantum bio-photonic field of life-enhancing frequencies that bathe you in pure light energy.  Many find this frequency bath to be calming, reassuring and stress relieving. The body responds to the field with its innate wisdom, allowing recalibration to homeostasis.


Date: Saturday, March 26, 2022
Time: 4:30-7:00pm

Investment: $85

To learn more about Maryanne and her other offerings, please visit her website at: